Tuesday 10 September 2019

'And The Door Opened,' crowdfunder pots for project with Women @the Well

Women @the Well, (W@W,) is an organisation based in Kings Cross, London, that supports women who want to leave, 'exit,' prostitution. They have asked me to make some pots that illustrate the stories of the women they work with and get both the pots and the stories to as many people as possible. The aim is to take a little known or understood 'issue' and turn it into something more human - woman - and meaningful. 

There is a small collection of pots available for direct sale - ie no gallery commission and no VAT.
All of them are signed with my potter's mark, the W@W logo, and the date. It's a bit like buying a share in the project with the pot as the 'share certificate.' In an ideal world, the pot gains in value but I can't promise that but, ranging £250.00 - £375.00 each, I can tell you that these are significantly cheaper than my usual sale price. There are three of the original group of ten pots left and new ones on the way.  Get in touch claudiaclare40@yahoo.com if you are interested and I can send images. The quoted price will have postage and packing added.