Monday 17 March 2008

Glasgow School of Art: Save Our Ceramics Department

Monday 24th March 2008
The following is a statement from ceramics students as Glasgow School of Art:

New undergraduates will not now be accepted either for the full-time Ceramic degree course or for the part time course at the Glasgow School of Art. This is the end of undergraduate ceramic education in Scotland.
Following a recommendation by the Head of the School of Design, this decision, taken in haste without any staff or student consultation will have major implications for Scottish design, culture and tourism.
As ceramic students of GSA, we feel passionately that there is a promising future for ceramics in Scotland and are disappointed that GSA lacks the vision and courage to support a profitable and innovative element of the design school.

Their campaign networking group is on facebook
Links to petitions here and
Its all very simple and quick and its a brilliant campaign so please suppport them!
And for any of you who have resisted the charms of facebook, this is your chance to breach its hallowed boundaries and you will find that its full of top flight ceramics gubbins.